sâmbătă, 4 noiembrie 2017

Websites mining using users CPU power – Cyber security research

Many of us are trying to make money online from home. One solution would be the websites that offer some software and if you keep it running you can earn money.


I do not care if it works, but I want to show you something.So i will try it!
In may way!
I always use Extract here for rar archive… never double click on it!

How you can see, now i have a rar archive and a application on my folder. I’m still suspicios and with right click on the application i will find the properties … or more ..then that.

So my application is more then a simple .exe file, how you can see there is another Extract here. That means the ”application” is a SFX 7-Zip Archive with 117 total files.

Watch that… alot of files and there somewere i have the real installer EarnMoney.exe.
It’s not ok, but let’s install it!


With some issues starts. I see it on running applications… on Process Hacker… seems ok.
But i have some problems during the installation process..


After some errors… i have it installed!

Let’s start to collect some informations!

The application is closed.. but stil runs underground, connected with:

TCP Connections on 443:



This is strange? Wait….
Remember… the software is closed!!!
At the first minutes:
Total CPU usage: 4.30%
Aplication CPU: 0.00%
Private bytes: 28.32 MB

I reduce the CPU usage closing some applications an then…
Total CPU usage: 44.26%
Aplication CPU: 40.93%
Private bytes: 158.06 MB

Like every silent miner… works better when you are not doing anything on your computer…
And i wait to see changes … and here they are:
Total CPU usage: 44.93%
Aplication CPU: 41.43%
Private bytes: 234.56 MB

So here we are at the end of this crazy winning money process.
Now you know… learn the basic to safe online!
Have fun & Stay safe!!!

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