sâmbătă, 30 septembrie 2017

Noile provocări globale în domeniul Securității Cibernetice - 30-31 octombrie 2017

CERT-RO organizează cea de-a VII-a ediție a conferinței Anuale „Noile Provocări Globale în Securitate Cibernetică”. Conferința va avea loc în perioada 30-31 octombrie 2017, la Biblioteca Națională a României din Bulevardul Unirii, numarul 22.
Anul acesta, CERT-RO își propune să ofere dezbateri mixte, prezentări și ateliere de lucru care abordează teme tehnice și administrative relevante pentru securitatea cibernetică din spațiul românesc, european și global.
În contextul eforturilor de a transpune și implementa directiva NIS, precum și cu scopul de a adresa alte provocări de reglementare și politici, prima zi a evenimentului va fi dedicată prezentărilor din partea oficialilor UE și guvernamentali și dezbaterilor în sesiuni paralele, oferind oportunitatea împărtășirii de idei și bune practici cu alte state membre și părți interesate. A doua zi este dedicată sesiunii plenare, precum și unor sesiuni paralele, unde experți din sectorul public și privat, dar și jucători cheie din industrie, vor prezenta cele mai noi provocări din domeniul securității cibernetice. Totodată, se vor expune actualizări vizavi de soluții și tehnologii dedicate operatorilor de servicii esențiale.
În fiecare an conferința CERT-RO a adus împreună peste 300 de experți în securitate cibernetică, oficiali guvernamentali și factori de decizie politică, precum și reprezentanți ai companiilor private din diferite domenii și industrii, ONG-uri și reprezentanți ai mediului academic. Pentru mai multe detalii puteți vizita cert.ro/certcon7 sau trimiteți un mail la adresa cooperation@cert.ro.

Sursa: cert.ro

miercuri, 27 septembrie 2017

MyEtherWallet Notification - Email scam

A new scam.
This time, the hacker tries to steal logging data for the Ethereum wallet.
A site identical to the original was created with the intention of misleading users.

The email comes from an address that is unrelated to the website.*markus.reichenau@t-online.de*Although it could be directly from: myetherwallet.com.

Here you see the differences between the original and the fake websites.


And beyond that, the address difference is very clear!!! 

 myetherwallet.com vs myethlerwallet.com

Have fun & Stay safe!!! 

New bitcoin transaction scam!

Payments made by mistake on your account are already known as scams.
In this case I received an email saying that someone sent me bitcoins to my address and should check my account.

0.54798743 BTC = 1.830 EUR ... well... I do not think it bothers such a mistake..

Let's star: 
1.What does transmitel.com have to do with bitcoin transactions?
Transmite.com- Security systems - Barcelona Owned by TRANSMITEL S.L. 

2.Email was sent to 6 addresses, so 6 wrong transactions?

All the hyperlinks have a hidden secret.
See it? Blockchain.com has become Blockchlain.info!
So.. when you will try to go on blockchain page for login.... you will do it on a diffrent page.
Do not worry, the website is already closed!

The consequences are understandable.
If you log in, someone will be in possession of your data and possibly your account.

Have fun & Stay safe!

Hunting Paypal Scammer – Busted 100%

Here’s a new software that promises to increase your revenue.
The point is you do not have to believe in miracles.
Everything looks good, but if you try to log in to your Paypal account, the data will be sent without realizing it.
Data is sent to the email of the person who posted and you have all the chances of losing even the few money you have in your account.

Today i will try to find the ”hacker” for you!
Paypal doubler scam
To have time for account changes, it will ask you to wait 72 hours for the payment.
Paypal doubler scam Paypal doubler scam
Once you’ve added your data, the software logs in to a google account and sends the data.
Paypal doubler scam Paypal doubler scam Paypal doubler scam
Because of Google’s security, I can not log in because does not recognize my device.
Paypal doubler scam 
I have to admit that I have pressed several times to call and send message to the number attached on the account.
I hope I’ve stressed him a little!

If we want to catch the hacker, we just need to send an email identical to the one that comes from Google, where we can attach what we already have:
  • Email  – ***sans@gmail.com
  • Phone number – (…) …_.. 02
  • Password – Nofreewifihere2468
The search on Google and you will find something like that:
Somewere i’ve that his name is Saif.. ok.
Look who gives good comment on the youtube video:
  • A învăţat la Dr. Phillips High School
  • Trăieşte în Ocoee, Florida

Mission completed!

Have Fun & Stay Safe!

Fake Paypal – Scam

Here we have the old story…. a email that says you got some money from someone… you are pushing the link and the scam starts!!!
Email: secure@@help-report.net
Host: h–ps://www.check-your-account.systems/
All the logs are going to pyplresult@@gmail.com

So… open your eyes and do not be a scam victim!!!

Source : Cyber security news & tools

[2017] Best Bitcoin Doubler x2 100% (with Proofs) – Scam

Surce: Youtube
Search: bitcoin doubler
Source Link: watch?v=VDgrGJCZZPE

Here we have the proof of working bitcoin doubler, but… DO NOT try to double your bitcoins!
In the youtube video description will find the link for this super website: cryptuse.com

There we see crazy information about ”secure” transactions, deposits, investments… and more!
After the payment you just have to wait…. 100 Years!

Let me show you where is the problem!
Google search: bitcoin doubler script

So… everything is fake!!
The owner will take your bitcoin and nothing else will happen.
Ponzi Scheme Scam
Avoid getting scammed. Huge list of Bitcoin scams and scammers. Report a scam here and browse Bitcoin scammer listings.
Scam definition:
A fraudulent scheme performed by a dishonest individual, group, or company in an attempt obtain money or something else of value. Scams traditionally resided in confidence tricks, where an individual would misrepresent themselves as someone with skill or authority, i.e. a doctor, lawyer, investor. After the internet became widely used, new forms of scams emerged such as lottery scams, scam baiting, email spoofing, phishing, or request for helps. These are considered to be email fraud. Also see phishing, scheme.

Stay safe and DO NOT trust everything you see on the Internet!!!

Source : Cyber security news & tools

You Are Hacked !?!

This video is a presentation of our vulnerability. 
 It is very easy to become a victim without realizing it.
To prevent this happening, we must prevent such incidents.

Source : Cyber security news & tools

marți, 26 septembrie 2017

Hacking tool infected with Password Stealer

Hacking tool presented on youtube,but infected with Password Stealer.
So.. DO NOT download everything they give you !

Source : Cyber security news & tools

''Magic'' tool backdoored with remote control tool & AdWare

Another one ''Magic'' tool backdoored with remote control tool & AdWare

Malware spread on Google Maps,Github & Amazon

Everything started from a google search for infected files. The most commun are crack, keygen etc. I’ve found a ‘hide ip keygen’ and the link locations was very unusual…. Google Maps.

The google maps mark send’s me to some .ru link for download.
Analysing the .exe i found that the applications have’s conections with amazonas.com requesting for downloaad other applications.




Let’s see the last one.

I will play with screen.exe
Sens request’s to win3.online & win3.ru
  • /cfgUser?uid= -user tony-lyamin@yandex.com -xmr
  • /filesUrl avdeeff1985/master
  • /registerUser?uid=
  • /getStatus?uid=
  • /checkConnection aAvh5S

Also: hxxps://github.com/ytisf/theZoo/zipball/master

…and some others link connections:
  • github.com/angryziber/ipscan/releases/download/3.5.1/ipscan-3.5.1-setup.exe
  • github.com/uxmal/reko
  • github.com/gogo2017/space/commit/054c7ef793b902202b7a28f6505997b0c8dd19ab
  • raw.githubusercontent.com/LoukaV3rm/Sumonexs/master/RC7%20Update%20with%20memcheck.exe
  • raw.githubusercontent.com/wso-shell/WSO/master/WSO.php
  • raw.githubusercontent.com/LoukaV3rm/Sumonexs/master/Elevation%207%20Auto%20Inject.exe
So… i think there it is alot of actions for one single keygen!?!
Also, if you have time… on win3.online may find some vulnerability’s!
You also may create a hacker profile, starting from all these informations:
Tony… Anthony/ Lyamin/1985 …..
Search: Google,Facebook etc.

Have fun and stay safe!!!

How to become a slave miner for bitcoins!

This is another video about a hacking tool.The story is simple. If you  want to become rich… just open this tool and everything will be just fine for you.
But the truth it is in backgound.
If you will open the program, something will be instaled in your pc and it will be used to work for someone else.
If you know how bitcoin minering it’s working… you will understand.
So we have a link for downloading the hacking program. There we found a .rar archive with one file after extract.

Until now everything seems ok!
Let’s see the application!
Wait! There it’s something else hidded.
The application it’s a SFX RAR Archive with 14 files on it? OK!!!
Let’s see the comment….
  • Path=%homedrive%\Windows\SysWOW64\drivers\UMDF
  • Setup=keys.exe
  • Setup=svchost.exe
  • Setup=snmptrap.exe
  • Silent=1
  • Overwrite=2
In this case i will not double click on it!
Then i will extract it like a .rar archive.
Do you remember the 14 files?
All of them are hidden!
You will find on Google how to unhidde all the files on your pc!
Playing with the applications, i found something interesting.
Something about minergate, login, pool, gpu intensity…. hmmm.
This it’s look like bitcoin minering!!!

Ooooo… I see now!!!

When the applications work it’s done… your pc will become a slave for some guy!!
A slave ready to work when the master sends his command.
*And the guy is spanish… see the .rar comment ”;O comentário abaixo contém comando de sequencia SFX” !  lol

 Stay safe!!!

Alex Anghelus

Source: Cyber security news & tools